Brussels, 7 March 2017 – Monika Macovei in cooperation with the Partnership for Social Development held a public hearing in the European Parliament on “Media Clientelism Index: Measuring Media Realities in Six South East European Countries”. The MEP Željana Zovko was invited by the organiser to deliver a speech.
Sabine Zwaenepoel, representing the European Commission, talked about the new trends in freedom of speech and media. Threats and opportunities related to media in Eastern Europe were presented by Sorin Ioniță from the Expert Forum. Munir Podumljak, Executive Director of the Partnership for Social Development, presented the results of measuring the clientelism index in media.
MEP Željana Zovko, a member of the Delegation for Relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, stressed the importance of media freedom as the key element of all EU-aspirant countries.
She pointed out to a problem faced by Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, who still do not have a TV-channel in their own language. This problem was pointed out by the European Parliament last month as well on the occasion of adopting the Resolution on Bosnia and Herzegovina, when the EP appealed to competent authorities to guarantee media pluralism and secure programme in all official languages of BiH.
Zovko mentioned establishment of the Public RTV system as the best solution for this problem, which should be structured according to modern principles of media system development in multi-national countries such as Belgium or Switzerland.