MEP Željana Zovko at the EPP meeting in Wicklow

Wicklow, 12 May 2017 – MEP Željana Zovko participated in the two-day meeting of the European People’s Party Presidency, held in Wicklow, Ireland. The main topics at the agenda were Brexit and future of transatlantic relations.

The EPP members exchanged views with representatives of the Irish Government on the negotiating goals of the European Union in the Brexit context. It was stressed that the negotiating approach must reflect interest of the EU citizens. One of the conclusions was that considering its unique location, Ireland would be the most affected by disassociation of the Great Britain from the EU.


The meeting was attended also by the former GB prime-minister, Tony Blair, EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Phil Hogan and EU Chief Negotiator for Brexit, Michel Barnier.

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