Brussels, 31 May 2017 – One of topics at today’s plenary session in Brussels was resilience as a strategic priority of EU external action.
“State and Societal Resilience to our East and South” is listed as one of five priorities of EU external action in the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy from 2016. Promotion of resilience is an integral part of important international agreements to which the EU committed, such as the Sustainable Development Programme until 2030, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, Paris Climate Changes Agreement or World Humanitarian Summit.
MEP Željana Zovko took part in the discussion and said that in order to reiterate state and societal resilience to the East and South of EU, a better coordination must be stablished between the EU external action instruments and financial instruments of other international development institutions.
“Better coordination shall secure synergy effects of support in implementation of key reforms and in implementation of important projects which may help to reiterate resilience in those states. However, before establishing a better coordination, an analysis should be made of potential overlapping in financing.“ – as of Zovko.
Voting on the Resolution proposal is scheduled for tomorrow at noon.