Zovko on the 2016 Report on Serbia

Strasbourg, 13 June 2017 – At its today’s plenary session in Strasbourg, the European Parliament discussed the Resolution on the Commission 2016 Report on Serbia.

Support was expressed to Serbia’s accession to the EU, but on the other hand demands were raised to pursue reform in the area of the rule of law, independent judiciary, free media and fight against corruption and organised crime.


MEP Željana Zovko said during the discussion that on its accession path to the EU, Serbia must in addition to key criteria for accession urgently address the outstanding bilateral issues with the neighbouring countries, particularly the Republic of Croatia, such as the issue of persons missing in the war, opening of records, border issues, regional jurisdiction of Serbia and right of the Croatian minority in Serbia to attend school in Croatian language with the text-books in Croatian language and the tailored curriculum.

“A request to resolve the outstanding bilateral issues is not aimed at frustrating Serbia on its accession path to the EU, but to building permanently good neighbouring relations and stability between Croatia and Serbia.“ – as of Zovko.


Voting of the EP Resolution on the 2016 Report on Serbia is scheduled for tomorrow, at noon.


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