EP adopted the Resolution on the EU General Budget Draft 2018

Strasbourg, 25 October 2017 – The European Parliament has adopted today at its plenary session the Resolution on EU General Budget Draft 2018.

The opinion of the Committee on External Affairs (AFET) was adopted within the General Budget Draft, in which the MEPs express their dissatisfaction with the proposed EUR 90 million reduction of funds for support of political reforms in the Western Balkans within the IPA.

MEP Zovko called in her amendments, which were adopted within the AFET Opinion, for a more active and focused engagement of the European Union in the Western Balkans and stressed the importance of the IPA support to implementation of key institutional and economic reforms in candidate-countries and potential candidates.

Zovko pointed out in her amendments that withdrawal of financial aid to implementation of reforms and EU membership prospects to the Western Balkans countries exposes those countries to a possibility of various impacts from the third countries, what might eventually endanger stability and security of the entire region.

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