MEP Zovko has participated in the Conference on IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme

Brussels, 8 November 2017 – Member of the European Parliament Željana Zovko has participated today in the Conference on IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme, organised by the Abruzzo Region Office in Brussels.

The main issues discussed at the Conference were: technical preparation and implementation of the Programme, cohesive and pre-accession EU policies, migration, role of the European regional legislative assemblies in territorial EU cooperation after the year 2020, EU strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) and frauds and irregularities in EU structure funds management.

In addition to MEP Zovko, other speakers at the Conference were: Paola Di Salvatore, Director of the Managing Authority of the IPA Adriatic Programme, Nikola Dobroslavić, President of the Adriatic and Ionian Euroregion and the prefect of the Dubrovnik-Neretva county, Ljubo Bešlić, mayor of the City of Mostar and Slađan Bevanda, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton.

MEP Zovko stressed in her speech the support to continuation of the IPA project as an instrument of implementing the projects which may bring benefits for the citizens and implement the needed reforms, what will eventually be of a help to candidates and states on their accession path to the European Union.

She further stressed the importance of the cooperation project between the University of Mostar and institutions and economic entities from BiH and the neighbouring region in order to further advance the regional development through cross-border cooperation.

Having recognised the relevance of the IPA instrument as a tool for facilitation of reform implementation, reiteration of competitiveness and the business environment, MEP Zovko has been working hard together with her colleagues in the European Parliament on trying to articulate the necessity of increasing the financial resources for the IPA Instrument 2018, but also of increasing the funds in the forthcoming period.

“In the adopted EP Resolution on the General EU Budget Draft 2018, the MEPs have pointed out to the problem that the IPA funds had been reduced by EUR 90 million. The European Parliament has recognised that it was very important not to reduce the IPA funds, if we wanted to enhance the reform implementation in key institutional, administrative and economic areas.“ – said Zovko.

MEP Zovko is a member of the informal group “Friends of EUSAIR“ in the European Parliament.



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