Member of the European Parliament Željana Zovko participated today in the public hearing on the UN Global Compacts for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and on Refugees, held in Strasbourg, together with the Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship.
Zovko said that the main goal of the UN Global Compacts, which succeeded the New York Declaration, adopted last year at the UN General Assembly, was to advance global migrations management and offer solutions for various related challenges.
She furthermore pointed out to the importance of protection of human lives, freedom and human rights as one of key elements of the Resolution on the UN Global Compacts. She called for more active engagement of the EU and other global stakeholders in their fulfilment. Zovko said the required measures included support to the countries which had hosted a large number of refugees in order to help the refugees to integrate into the society more easily and to achieve economic independence in the receiving countries.
“It is extremely important to strengthen resilience of the counties affected by crisis, as well as to adopt comprehensive strategies for fighting poverty and enhancing inclusivity of economic growth and development as key solutions for global migrations. That is one off the key elements of the Resolution, in the drafting of which I was involved as one of co-authors.“ – said Zovko.