MEP Željana Zovko visited Armenia

Bruxelles/Erevan, 19 June 2018 – Member of the European Parliament Željana Zovko was in the official visit to Erevan, Armenia on 18 June as a member of the delegation of the EP Committee of Foreign Affairs.

In addition to MEP Zovko, other members of the AFET delegation were its Chairman David McAllister (EPP, Germany), Chair of the delegation  to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, Rebecca Harms  (Greens, Germany), Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Armenia-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees, Sajjad Karim (ECR, UK), Permanent Rapporteur of AFET for Armenia László Tokes (EPP, Hungary), Neena Gill, (S&D, UK), Boris Zala (S&D, Slovakia), Eleni Theocharous (ECR, Cyprus), Petras Auštrevičius (ALDE, Lithuania).

The AFET delegation met the prime-minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, Chairman of the National Assembly Ara Babloyan, ministers and members of the National Assembly and representatives of the civil society to discuss EU-Armenia relations, reforms, anti-corruption measures, illegal migration and the recent political situation, which resulted in change of government.

Furthermore, they discussed the new comprehensive modernised partnership agreement between the EU and Armenia, the main goal of which is to encourage  EU investments in Armenia and enhance the merchandise trade.

Members of the European Parliament will vote on the new EU-Armenia agreement and EU-Azerbaijan agreement, for which MEP Zovko was a rapporteur in AFET on behalf of the EPP  on Wednesday, 4 July in Strasbourg.

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