Zovko participated in the debate on the new partnership agreement with the ACP

Member of the European Parliament Željana Zovko has participated today in Strasbourg in the debate on the new partnership agreement with the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP). The ACP countries and the EU are connected by deep historical ties and a reliable partnership.

MEP Zovko has stressed that she expects the debate to enhance the efficiency of negotiations on the new partnership agreement between EU and ACP. She has further stressed that the European Union must use the opportunity now offered after Cotonou in negotiations to emphasise the development aid of the EU as the main  instrument of public diplomacy.

“The EU development aid must be more visible and must serve as an efficient tool of the EU external policy. That is how the EU may put an end to the security threats, which come as a result of the fact that the EU solidarity with the countries whose democracies are in  search for consolidation and stability is not visible enough.“ – said Zovko and added that the renewed EU-ACP cooperation must support the process of achieving peace and stability at the global level.

Zovko has called for concerted action in fields of common interests, such as efficient labour force migration management, increase of students flow and mobility, facilitation of business and investment programmes and intensifying measures against the smugglers and  human trafficking.

“In order to be able to undertake preventive measures, we must improve collection and exchange of information and enhance resilience of socities and economies in the countries affected by crises.“ – concuded Zovko.

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