MEP Željana Zovko organised the conference in the European Parliament within the European Year of Cultural Heritage titled “Karlovac – City Star – European Cultural Heritage“

Brussels, 16 October 2018


MEP Željana Zovko hosted yesterday in Brussels the visitors from Karlovac – Deputy Mayor Marijana Tomičić, Chairwoman of the City Council of Karlovac with her associates and members of the City Council from various groups. The visit was organised as a part of the EuropeanYear of Cultural Heritage. On the occasion of the visit, the project of revitalisation of the Old City Core of Karlovac “Zvijezda” (The Star) was presented as a model of sustainable cultural heritage.

The main objective of the presented project is revitalisation of the “Star” in Karlovac – a Reneissance fortification system, a unique example of fortification architecture from the 16th century in Croatia. Being a unique historical and urban area, the “Star” is a symbol of the City of Karlovac.

The delegation from Karlovac held a presentation of individual measures and projects at the conference and showed a promotional video. They stressed the importance of the concrete measures which may help the realisation of the set objectives and priorities with the purpose of final revitalisation of all units of the “Star” as a rare example of the European cultural heritage.

MEP Zovko reminded the participants of the conference that the year 2018 was the European Year of Cultural Heritage and that the main goal of the project as such was to encourage people to research the rich and diverse European heritage. MEP Zovko and her guests from Karlovac were guests in the show “From the Heart of Europe”, which showed the promotional video “Karlovac- City Star”.

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