Strasbourg 12 February 2020,
The European Parliament held a debate on the occasion of the planned extraordinary Council meeting regarding the Multiannual Financial Framework. In a statement Zeljana Zovko emphasized the pressing need for the Council to reach a deal and to provide the EU with a strong budget for the upcoming seven years.
You can find the statement statement here:
After the European elections in 2019 and the installation of a new Commission, we have heard many promises and objectives. Ideas as a Geopolitical Commission, strategic defence cooperation and an ecological and sustainable future by adopting the Green deal.
I highly appreciate the necessary and determined European agenda, but I would like to point out that without the right financial incentives, we will not succeed. Especially knowing that we should not reduce our budgetary commitments for key European policies, such as agriculture and cohesion.
With a strong cohesion policy, we deliver on the fundamental ideas of the European Union, a harmonious coexistence without strong regional, social and economic imbalances. Many Member States strive to reach the level of development known in other regions of the Union and it is in the benefit of the most developed Members to assist them in reaching this goal.
I also would like to draw special attention to the budgetary plans for the external financial instruments. As co-rapporteur of the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance, I deeply deplore the envisaged cuts for this programme. It is heavily undermining the EU’s strategic priorities and clashes with the objectives for the Western Balkans.
As member of the Committee on Culture and Education, I also advocate an increased funding for programmes as Erasmus+ and Creative Europe. The additional support for Erasmus+ will allow more people to have a life-changing experience through education and share their knowledge about the versatility of our European culture. Creative Europe deserves a bigger investment to boost support for the creative sector and to improve the promotion of our culture in and outside the European Union.