Brussels/Split, 3 May 2020,
Croatia is among the first countries to have received medical equipment from RescEU, a program under the European Civil Protection Mechanism. Croatia, Italy and Spain obtained together over 330 000 protective masks as assistance in the fight against COVID-19. A month ago, the European Commission decided to use RescEU to stockpile medical equipment in order to distribute it among the Member States that are most affected by natural and manmade disasters, including the current health crisis.
Member of the European Parliament Zeljana Zovko welcomes the first delivery of equipment to Croatia. After the devastating earthquakes in Zagreb in March, Zovko asked in a letter to Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, to recognize the tragic circumstances and to see Croatia as a priority country for European support. “It is encouraging that we can still rely on European solidarity to get through this pandemic. When all Member States are occupied with the safety of their own citizens, the European Union took the right decision to build up its own stockpile and to use it in critical situations.”
Zovko says she is also satisfied with the overall results of RescEU and the European Civil Protection Mechanism in these unprecedented times. During the last legislature, Zovko has been closely involved as rapporteur in the Development Committee in the enhancement of the Mechanism and the creation of RescEU.