Zovko: The EU Commission confirms that freedom of religion and assembly are crucial for BiH on its path towards the EU

Brussels 12 June,

„Upholding fundamental rights, including freedom of thoughts, religion, assembly and expression are crucial elements of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s path towards the EU.“ That is what Commissioner for European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi wrote in a letter to Member of the European Parliament Željana Zovko. The Commissioner has sent the letter as a reply to an intervention of Zovko in the Committee of Foreign Affairs on 19 May. Zovko asked the Commissioner for an official reaction regarding the threats to the Roman Catholic Church in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the impediment of their freedom of religion and the right for cultural remembrance.

Zovko welcomed the message of the Commissioner. „The Commission clearly mentioned that each religious community has the right to hold religious ceremonies and that such events should not be abused for political purposes and to promote political agendas.“ Zovko said. The Commissioner also reiterated in his letter that the Commission will continue supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path towards the European Union, including as concerns the enjoyment of the fundamental rights.


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