June 23, 2020
The Committee on Foreign Affairs adopted yesterday the Report on EU-Africa Security Cooperation in the Sahel, West Africa and the Horn of Africa. As a shadow rapporteur, MEP Zovko represented the EPP in the negotiations and successfully included a large number of amendments in the final draft of the text.
Zovko welcomed the adoption of the report, stressing the importance of the partnership between the European Union and African countries, as well as Europe’s role in supporting the development and preserving peace. “The stability and security of the Sahel, West Africa and the Horn of Africa is a precondition for their future development. In the current insecurity and violence, the local population seeks a way out via extremism or human traffickers. The lack of stability in these countries has the effect of spilling over into the countries of the European Southern Neighborhood and thus causes a direct challenge in the management of Europe’s external borders” said Zovko.
In her amendments, Zovko called for stronger European co-operation with local authorities, continued capacity building, training and development assistance. It will enable our partners to strengthen the rule of law and institutions in the future and take care of their security and added – “By including the European Peace Facility (EPF), we have reaffirmed the European Union’s strong intention to strengthen its capacity to prevent conflict, build peace and strengthen international security as a truly global player”
On March 9, 2020, the European Commission presented a new comprehensive Strategy for Africa, which calls for strengthening the already existing strong partnership in areas such as peace and security, stability, development and the fight against poverty and terrorism. Based on that strategy the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee adopted its report with 49 votes in favour, 6 against and 14 abstentions. The final adoption of the report is scheduled for the plenary session in September, just before the summit of the European Union and the African Union in October 2020.