Brussels 26 October 2020,
In the Committee of Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament, the members will vote this week on the report on Foreign policy consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak. The report focuses on the changes in the geopolitical scene and the actions taken by global players to cope with the challenges brought forward by the virus, as well as to strengthen their own position in the world.
Željana Zovko was appointed as EPP shadow rapporteur for the report. She said that with the creation of Team Europe, the European Union has shown its willingness to assist partner states facing difficulties during the pandemic. “Unfortunately, our efforts in the Europe Union and in neighbouring countries where challenged by several global players. Disinformation campaigns have undermined our actions, including in the Western Balkans. These campaigns aimed to expand these countries foothold in the region, but directly jeopardized the health situation,” Zovko said.
She stated that with the report, the European Parliament emphasises the need to find the right balance between the development of strategic autonomy for the European Union, including in the health sector, and at the other side to strengthen the EU’s activities in multilateral organisations and in cooperation with likeminded states. “This report takes stock of the current situation and provides recommendations for our European leaders to re-define our European foreign policy,” Zovko concluded.