Brussels, 27 October 2020
The Committee of Culture and Education in the European Parliament will vote this week on the decision on some changes for the European Capitals of Culture 2020 and 2021. Due to the corona pandemic, the European Union proposes to extend the status of Rijeka and Galway as capitals for 2020 until the end of April 2021. The proposal also includes that the three Capitals of Culture for 2021 will be postponed to 2022 or 2023.
The rapporteur for the file Željana Zovko welcomes the timely vote. In order to get the decision adopted before the end of the year, Zovko stresses the need for a speedy procedure at inter-institutional level. She underlines that this decision has been drafted in close cooperation with the cities and Member States involved and that it offers the best solution for these cities in order to regain the missed opportunities due to the corona crisis.
The current European Capitals of Culture had to cancel, postpone and adjust many events since the corona pandemic surged in the European Member States last spring. This unprecedented situation came with great uncertainty when the situation would get back to normal. The designated cities of 2020 could not capitalize their preparations and also the upcoming capitals had to revise their programming.
“Holding the status of European Capital of Culture should be seen as a privilege to promote the cultural scene of the region by bringing people together. The European Union is willing to provide additional chances for the affected cities to realise these objectives in a sanitary safe but culturally enriching fashion,” Zovko said.