Brussels, 15 December 2020
The European Parliament held a debate on the recent developments in the Eastern Partnership and Members discussed the future of the cooperation initiative with, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia and Azerbaijan. The political unrest in Belarus and the violent confrontation between Armenia and Azerbaijan earlier this year were heavily debated.
As Standing rapporteur for Azerbaijan Željana Zovko stated in her intervention that the ecent events in the Eastern Partnership countries called for a strategic European policy towards the region. “We can see that the political scene remains highly volatile. We must take into account in the drafting of new objectives post 2020.” Zovko said.
Zovko acknowledged that the initiative offered for cooperation to the Eastern partnership countries has its advantages. However, she also stressed that we must put our common security and the security of citizens in these countries higher on our agenda. Zovko sees the breaking of the ceasefire in the brokered peace in Nagorno-Karabakh as one of these security concerns.
Zovko called on the European Union to closely monitor the implementation of the peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan. she said that humanitarian assistance should reach those in need and citizens should be able to return peacefully to their homes. She also stated that the EU has to ensure the protection and preservation of cultural and religious heritage sites in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Since the ceasefire, both Armenia and Azerbaijan have accused each other for breaching the agreement. Zovko said that, in close cooperation with the Co-chairs of the Minsk Group, the European Union must look for means, how to find a role as an honest broker towards permanent peace in this troubled area.