Zovko: Today’s adoption of the European Peace Facility sends a strong message to our partners that the EU is investing in peace, stability and security in Africa

Brussels, 22 March 2021


The Council of the European Union adopted today a decision establishing the European Peace Facility (EPF), an off-budget fund worth approximately €5 billion for the upcoming period 2021-2027. The new facility aims to enhance the EU’s abilities in preventing conflict, preserving peace and strengthening international stability and security. With the EPF, the EU can assist partner countries, either by supporting their peace operations or by helping to increase the capability of their armed forces.

Member of the European Parliament Željana Zovko welcomed today’s decision and states that it is a strong message to our partner countries. „When working on the report on the EU – Africa Security Cooperation in Sahel, West Africa and the Horn of Africa as the EPP shadow rapporteur, I strongly advocated for a greater European support to our partners in Africa in conflict prevention, capacity building and training” Zovko stated. She added it is the first time that the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions will be complemented with assistance measures. “The EPF will be of crucial assistance to enable our partners taking up ownership of their peace and stability while cooperating on joint security challenges.” – Zovko concluded.

Since 2004, the EU’s involvement in CSDP military missions and operations has been funded through the ATHENA mechanism. This will be replaced by the EPF, which will enhance the scope of common costs, thereby allowing for more rapid deployment and improved flexibility and predictability. Also, the EPF will overcome the shortcomings of the African Peace Facility and broaden the geographical scope of EU intervention. The EU will now be able to contribute to the financing of military peace support operations and assistance measures for our partners anywhere in the world.


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