Zovko: The improved Parliament’s role in IPA III is a historic achievement

Brussels, 1 September 2021


The Committee of Foreign Affairs in the European Parliament has met today to discuss the pre-programming regulation of the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance, IPA III. It is the first time that the European Parliament will be involved in setting out specific objectives for the financial assistance to candidate and potential candidate countries.

Co-rapporteur of the IPA III regulation, Željana Zovko, characterized the meeting as historic. “Securing these additional competences of the European Parliament is a major achievement and was a key priority during the inter-institutional negotiations. The European Parliament monitors closely the EU’s policies in the Western Balkan countries and its funds to assist these countries on their path of European integration. However, thus far, the programming of the funding was solely in the hands of the Commission. With this delegated act, the Parliament also got involved,” Zovko said, adding that the delegated act is step forwards for democratic accountability.

The pre-programming regulation sets out specific objectives and thematic priorities on which the final programming of IPA III will be based. These objectives include topics such as the rule of law, conflict prevention, good neighbourly relations, education and many more.

The IPA III regulation itself is expected to be adopted by the Council in the upcoming days and will be subject of a vote in the European Parliament plenary session in September.


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